2020 Fishery Catch Restrictions

Due to the decline in Salmon stocks in recent years and the recent announcement from Inland Fisheries Ireland for the quota on the Munster Blackwater for the coming season in 2020. We at Blackwater Trout and Salmon fishery feel enough is not being done so we have decided to enforce our own catch restrictions for rod caught Salmon and Sea-Trout on our Fishery.

  1. Regular angling visitors or Syndicate members allowed 3 fish per season.

  2. Visiting anglers allowed 1 fish per week.

  3. C&R is encouraged throughout the season.

  4. All fish over 8lb are to be returned.

  5. Knot-less weigh nets are to be used, if you don’t have one the fishery will provide one FOC.

  6. Only one fish per day is allowed, once the limit is reached you must practice C&R

  7. Spinning is allowed but with barbless hooks or pinched barbs.

  8. Full catch and release in the Months of August and September

  9. If you hook a fish after your limit, and it is bleeding from the gills, the fish must be harvested and handed over to the Fishery Manager where it will be donated to a local Home for the elderly.

  10. Everyone fishing on the fishery must produce State Licence before fishing commences


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